Carnelian Gemstone Beads

Carnelian bead is a transparent, orange-red chalcedony also found in yellowish tones and white, frequently with two combined. Sunlight can sometimes make these colors more stunning. Carnelian beads are the semi precious gemstone beads. These gemstones are available in different shapes and sizes, but the most common is oval shape. It is found in many countries like Russia, the US, Madagascar, Australia, Brazil, Uruguay, India, Japan and many other countries.

The amazing color and low of carnelian makes it popular gemstone for fashion Jewelry
Like necklaces, pendants, bracelets and many more.

The variety of carnelian can be incorporated into a wide range of fashion jewelry
The color and relatively low cost of carnelian makes it a popular gemstone for fashion jewelry, different focal stones in numerous precious and base metal settings.

Carnelian has held a strong presence in the history of the world. It has been found in some of the oldest known jewelry, inlaid into the robes of Pu-Abi, a Sumerian Queen from the third millennium, B.C, among Egyptian tombs, in the breastplate of High Priest Aaron and in many other ancient cultures. One of its most popular uses was by the Romans. They used the stone for cameos, intaglios and as seal rings for imprinting seals with wax on correspondence and documents.

Today, gemstone beads made with carnelian are found in a beautiful mix of natural exquisiteness and fine handcrafting, and continue to be quite popular. As these beads are carved, extreme care is crucial to ensure that its beauty would be intact. It is typically prepared with a cabochon cut (a smooth rounded cut) in order to bring out the natural elegance and color patterns of the stone. In some cases, beads are subjected to a facet-cut in order to promote sparkle in the gemstone. Carnelian is sometimes heat-treated or dyed in order to enhance its color.

Carnelian is considered to be the perfect stone for stimulating the circulatory system, kidneys, appetite, emotions, and sexuality. It bestows confidence, assertiveness, and an unstoppable drive to succeed, and is believed to promote happiness, creativity, steadfastness, confidence, courage, analytical power and assertiveness, and helps one to achieve greater success in career and personal matters. This stone has been mentioned in Arabic, Hebrew, and Roman folklore. These civilizations believed that it protected the wearer in the after-life, and from evil spirits. This stone has also been popular with European and Asian civilizations.


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